It’s a familiar tightness we feel when we shrink to fit the mold– where you’ve curved your body, mind, & spirit to fit someone else’s expectations. We feel:
🙇🏻♀️ Anxiety
🤦🏽♀️ Overwhelm
🙅🏿♀️ Burnout
Feeling trapped, tired, and so deeply disconnected from ourselves we begin to question what we really want.
And we completely lose sight of what it is we deserve 🤍
Sometimes our 8-year-old-self had it exactly right— we should be helping people, leaning into our weirdness, and finding things that make us happy and light us up 🤍
Can you remember the last time you felt fully lit up? Excited beyond measure and so fully passionate that you had to tell everyone what you’d done or what you’ve created 😍
It’s okay if you can’t quite remember— I used to skip a beat or three trying to remember myself 🤍

But now? The last time I felt empassioned was today 🤍 The last time I felt aligned with my weirdo, loving, lit up self is right this second 🤍
I founded Brave Heart Open Mind in pursuit of feeling free, helpful, and fulfilled 🤍 And today Brave Heart Open Mind stands before you now with open arms and utter 8-year-old-style enthusiasm— fully ready to help you achieve
your deepest desire—
the deepest desire of every heart—
to love yourself, enjoy your life, and feel absolutely purposeful & free 🤍

These beautiful desires get buried in the process of living life— mostly because we get so used to someone else’s rhythm and forget to dance our own dance even if it’s weird—
Especially if it’s weird.
Personal fulfillment happens when we return home to ourselves— when we explore deeply enough, listen to our dreams closely enough, and admit to ourselves that it’s worth it to believe that we’re good enough.
Through self-exploration, we find our way home— to our deepest shadows, our brightest light, and our truest north 🤍
Hiding from this feels so natural because staying the same— clinging to our current state— is normalized and has become deeply a part of our comfort zone 🤍
That you find yourself here, now, lured by the joy that lies beyond self-discovery is absolutely beautiful, sweet friend 🤍 Because it means that part of you is ready— to take the leap— to meet yourself with true love and excitement!
You deserve this journey, sweet friend, because you deserve to come home to yourself.

About Kayla Vavra
I founded Brave Heart Open Mind, this enthusiastic self-empowerment studio, in an effort to empower coaches, teachers, and creatives with truly coming home to themselves!
Because I’ve walked the path of feeling like everything I was and everything I did wasn’t good enough— drowning in self-doubt and self-hate— unable to see the truth of who I truly am and what I truly want through the haze of others’ expectations and limitations. And it genuinely and completely sucks. (It does 💛 If you’ve been there— lying in bed at night questioning everything you’ve chosen for yourself, or ugly-crying on cold floral linoleum— you know it’s true).
The entire existence of Brave Heart Open Mind is to empower you to get to a place where you listen to yourself fully, feel fulfilled in the life that you’re living, and feel empowered to live your dreams—
A place where I am currently— Full of self-love; glowing with consistent confidence; filled with the light of self-empowerment!
And everything you’ll find here is loving, focused, and systematized to help you get there faster than I did. 

It took me over a decade to get to where I am today.
From my own rock bottom— sitting at the end of an emotionally abusive relationship, fully depressed, with imbalanced hormones, halfway through college, unable to do anything other than barely hang on and pretend I was fine. There were real moments of sobbing-on-the-floor feelings of wretchedness and catatonic-in-bed feelings of hopelessness during this time.
Medication to balance my hormones helped to regulate my brain chemistry and smooth back the depression and darkness, but I was still left with only a tattered notion of who I wanted to become in this life.
When you’ve lived over twenty years of your life following other people’s rules, and bending yourself to fit others’ expectations for who you will grow to become, you stop listening to that inner guiding voice that tells you exactly what you want— and how to get it.
But when you pause— when you take a moment to check in on the decisions you’ve made until now, and compare them to the life you’d love to be living in your deepest heart of hearts, *that’s* when you learn to recapture the magic of knowing who you truly are!
That’s when you’re ready to walk the path back home to yourself! In any avenue of life.
Whether it’s your career that feels off— even when you expected it to feel perfect, or if it’s your inner light that feels misaligned— because you can’t seem to get a good feel for what you truly and deeply want in life, or if it’s your cramped sense of creativity— longing deeply to break free— no matter what arena of life you’re looking to feel empowered in, Brave Heart Open Mind is here to guide you back to yourself— to what feels good— to what feels like home.
My personal journey over the course of the past decade has thankfully brought me all the way to where I am now: the founder of an empowering and loving business; a human who savors what I have, and a person who respects my deepest desires for what they truly are: everything I’m meant to become 💛🌟🎉
And if I can help you skip the trudging mountain climb out of the trenches of self-doubt, and streamline a decade for you— How could I not?
I’ve spent my life walking the exact path that lead me here to the crossroads of my desires to build Brave Heart Open Mind for you:
I am a teacher first and always. Even in my free time, I’m educating folx about houseplants in nerdy plant forums 🤓 My Masters degree is in education, and I LOVE seeing the humans that I help soar to new heights. I am a teacher first, always 💛
I am a self-exploration coach led by joy and rigorous training. Anyone can technically call themselves a life coach, but I chose to deepen my knowledge and broaden my horizons by becoming Master Certified in the fields of Life + Success Coaching, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, and Emotional Freedom Techniques. I did this because I’m a total nerd, and because my goal is to help you deeply and quickly— so that you can feel peaceful and whole, happy and joyful about the life that you’re living!
I am a public speaking coach, and helping delightful humans find their inner self-empowerment is absolutely my forte. I love it, and I love you— and when you combine this whole list together, you can envision the matrix on which Brave Heart Open Mind functions:
Excellent education & masterful coaching— rooted in self-empowerment.
And you, sweet friend, are meant to experience all of this goodness for yourself 💛
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