Check them out if you haven’t yet!
And check them out again if you have!
They’re endlessly useful for anything you’re confused about, conflicted over, or lost on in your own mind or heart 💛
And today we’re getting juicy with Powerful Questions to Inspire Action!
Because clarity and decision-making are great, and ACTION is where the magic happens, amiright!
Because ACTION is where we see the tangible benefits of asking ourselves these powerful questions.
Introspection is awesome on it’s own, but stuck stays stuck until we unstick ourselves— until we make a change, do a Thing, or choose to walk a path.
So ACTION is the name of the game today, and let’s dispel any of the fear surrounding ACTION right now before I drop the link + button for you to click on to access your workbook on Powerful Questions to Inspire Action.
Because ACTION has the capacity to hold big, scary, rapscallion-style fear that seems to quake our internal organs or shiver our joints and freeze us.
And it doesn’t need to, right, because action is based on choice, isn’t it, and we can choose either way:
- To make change
- To not make change
Either way, you lock yourself into taking the ACTION that supports your choice.
Which clears away your conscious mind’s logical need to know about action, but what about your habit-loving, cozy-seeking unconscious mind?
Your heart is whispering GO-GO-GO, and your unconscious mind is all NOPE & fear, isn’t it 💛
Did you know that your unconscious mind will always prefer & support the path of least resistance?
It’s literally programmed to keep you in your comfort zone.
It’s also literally programmed to follow explicit & specific directives— it LOVES detail! This is why you unconsciously do things like sort your M&M’s by color every time or feel fully at peace when the coffee you make for yourself tastes perfect every time, because your specific habit has been executed minutely & perfectly while you consciously mull over your plans for the day or the things you wish you didn’t have to do.
And when you understand these two innate & natural truths about your unconscious mind, it becomes easy to see both why your mind exhibits fear at the thought of an action plan AND how to use your action plan against your fear:
If your unconscious mind loves sameness & comfort, change is terrifying.
If your unconscious mind is in LOVE with specificity & fine detail in the orders that it executes for you, your Action Plan is exactly what it needs to take the sting out of the fear & allow you to win out over emotions that used to seem too big to overcome it now, right!
So back to Powerful Questions to Inspire Action— the antidote to fearful stuckness.
Because you can see now how specific plans of action serve to help you dispel the stuckness of those fearful emotions for yourself now, it’s easier or more exciting to get in the mood for getting in touch with yourself, your dreams, & the actions necessary to achieve them, doesn’t it!! 😍😍😍
Because anything less than feeling fear isn’t about just planning or having a plan, but it’s also about feeling choice and choosing from the heart, and everyone everywhere enjoying who they are! 💛
Which is absolutely possible for you now, within the context of these powerful questions & within the framework of both logic, wisdom, & heartfelt guidance, isn’t it! 😍
You can come down from hopes & dreams, or secret desires you’ve denied in the past, because you have your immediate & specific Action Plan of what comes next:
- 💛 Achieve clarity if you need it to move forward. Click here!
- 💛 Unlock your innate problem solving if you need to make a decision to move forward. Click here!
- 💛 Create your own specific Action Plan to get even more detailed about what you’re doing now. Click here!
And if you have questions? YOU have all the answers 💛 You can’t do Powerful Questions “wrong” & you can always ask yourself the follow-up questions that pop into your head 💛
And always feely cozy & confident that you’ve got company along the way— I ask myself Powerful Questions 970,000 times a day, so if you’re sitting with a journal and tea, or a laptop & coffee answering questions straight from the heart, the odds are basically 100% that I’m doing the same thing too 💛